Rotten Bastards

It's a blog. It's a way of life. It's many things in between.

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Firm Footing

I'm not gay but...
I'm knot gay but...
I'm not gay butt...
I'm not ghey but...
Eye'm knot ghey butte.

I'm not gay but I know how it feels to love and lust and want.
I'm not gay but I understand wanting to spend your life with someone.
I'm not gay but I want to be happy.

I am not a homosexual, however...

... I am a human being.

Which gives me something in common with all of you.

Gay included.


Tombington Stonewall the 3rd said...

You have feelings ?? You're totally gay. Us real men feel nothing 'cept maybe a burning love for Skynrd and brewskies.

her? said...

that was a nice one.